Grand Coteau, Louisiana
Email: Rev. Mark Kramer, S.J.
Email: Dcn. David Menard
Parish and Cemetery Manager
Email: Darrell Burleigh
Administrative Assistant
Email: Mary Ann Matte
Director of Religious Education and Safe Environment Coordinator
Email: Charles Richard
Director of Youth Ministry & Confirmation
Email: Amanda Hollier
Director of Sacred Music
Email: Julee Lemon
Rebecca Breaux
Pastoral Council members apply themselves to visioning and planning, reaching decisions through prayer, focusing on the parish's spiritual renewal, and collaborating with the Parish Pastor. You can learn more about the Pastoral Council of St. Charles along with the functions of each Commission of the Council, by going to the webpage titled, Ministries>Apostolates &Vocations.
To facilitate open lines of communications between the Pastoral Council and any parishioner, we have provided a means for you to offer constructive feedback to the Council, on the Contact Us page.
Sacred Music
Stephen Joubert (7:30 and 9:00 am)
Julee Lemon (4:00 pm vigil)
Julee Lemon (10:30am)
Altar Servers
Melissa Stoute – St. Charles
– Christ the King
Ushers - Coordinator
Steven Lavergne
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion - Coordinator
Corliss White
Proclaimers of the Word/ Lectors - Coordinator
Corliss White
Head Sacristan
(to be named)